会议记录- 2013年3月会议


1:30 p.m.2013年3月28日,星期四




新墨西哥科技董事会在下午1点34分召开会议.m.,与校董会合作 主席Richard N. 木匠主持. 其他出席的董事会成员包括摄政王黛博拉 Peacock, 丽晶 Jerry Armijo, 丽晶 Debra Hicks and Student 丽晶 Israel Rodriguez-Rios. 出席会议的大学管理人员、工作人员和嘉宾包括:

Daniel H. 洛佩兹



























会议证明通知:会议于下午1点34分开始.m. 由主席 卡彭特,在总统洛佩兹确认了会议的适当通知之后 被赋予.

Election of 办公室rs:  Chairman Carpenter announced that President 洛佩兹 would preside over the election of Board officers, an item added to the Agenda, and asked that nominations 指定期限. 摄政王阿米霍提名摄政王卡朋特继续担任主席 任期为两年. 利金特·皮科克支持这项动议. 由于没有进一步提名, 丽晶 Carpenter was re-elected as Chairman, and he resumed those responsibilities 要求提名司库部长. 摄政王皮科克提名摄政王 Armijo to continue in that position for two years, and he was re-elected unanimously.

批准议程:卡彭特主席说,议程项目17将 require an Executive Session to discuss legal matters pertaining to public documents 并收到诉讼的最新情况.  希克斯摄政王同意了议事日程 瑞金特·阿米霍的第二秒. 动议获得一致通过.

Minutes:  丽晶 Armijo moved to accept the Minutes as written,其次是 a second 来自丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios. 摄政王皮科克注意到公告下的一条提到 新墨西哥科技基金会.条目省略了“研究”一词,提示 Chairman Carpenter to declare that the Minutes be approved as amended by unanimous 同意.


校长介绍了博士。. 弗雷德·菲利普斯(弗雷德·菲利普斯),他代替了. 理查德·桑尼菲尔德 as 教师 Senate liaison; and Dr. 内莉亚·邓巴,代表格里尔·普莱斯出席, 国家广播局局长.M. 地质矿产局.

登记更新.  总裁洛佩兹表示,付费应用略有增加 this year than the previous year is a good sign of stability; but 大学 needs 未来的额外增长. V.P. Jaramillo-Fleming报道了入学人数 were down earlier in the month, but caught up; while the President reminded the Board 这所大学正在摆脱去年创纪录的数字. 

立法更新.  总统报告说,期间提出的法案多达80项 the 60-day session had a potential impact on 威尼斯人app下载, from regent qualifications 新的采购规定. 这所大学在收购方面勉强成功 更多的我&这笔资金将用于解决两个关键领域——填补新空缺 定位和解决薪酬和压缩问题. 可悲的是,技术教员们 underpaid when compared with New Mexico’s research universities, and fare worse against 全国同行团体,留住教员的问题. 总统告诉摄政他 will seek their 批准 for a tuition increase, not to exceed 5 percent, at a later meeting to offset funding shortfalls; and reiterated his concerns that the new funding formula fails to recognize the additional costs associated with operating a research 大学. 总统洛佩兹还指出,立法者提供了部分资金 1.对雇员退休基金临时征收5%的税. 彩票奖学金 was another hot-button issue, one on which a team of 威尼斯人app下载 students spent their spring break working to pass legislation to fully fund the scholarship program 再过一年. 

学生联会就彩票条例草案发表报告.  所罗门和科林 Newton of the Student Association reported on their involvement with proposed legislation 关于彩票奖学金. The pair initially worked with NMSU students; but, toward the close of the session, it was the two Tech students who carried the banner for student government 领导人 at all of the state’s four-year colleges except UNM. 虽然会议结束时没有达成长期解决方案,但立法者确实提供了资金 索利蒙报道称,他们需要1000万美元的“补丁”来争取时间. 他们也学到了第一手资料 about behind-the-scene activities and committee meetings that underline the legislative 过程. 他还表示,将于27日举行总学生会首脑会议进行讨论 the Lottery Scholarship with analysts, financial aid officers and other student government 领导人. 在讨论中,卡彭特主席指出,公众确实支持 the scholarship; still needed for the long term fix for the scholarship program is 一个为项目提供全额资金的发现机制.  

法例更新继续进行. 总统在结束他的立法报告时指出 that the Legislature approved $6 million for the new Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources project, $100,000 for a parking lot to replace slots lost to construction, $235,000 for the Magdalena Ridge Observatory and $100,000 for the Geophysical 研究 Center. 在讨论期间,有人指出联合国大学参与了谈判 regarding the operation of Sandia National Laboratories, and was surprised by an announcement by UNM that it is working to participate in the bid for the management contract of 实验室. 虽然新墨西哥大学的公开声明是有效的,但“事实上,我们都 一起做这件事被省略了. 罗梅罗报道. 主席建议科技公司 take a stand as a project partner, and that President 洛佩兹 expand his goals for the 明年将包括这方面的努力. 校长还向董事会通报了大学的情况 efforts to establish a joint program with San Juan College to support in the development and production of oil and gas reserves in the San Juan Basin, as well as to explore 技术如何参与满足行业需求的方法. 

总统的目标.  洛佩兹总统向董事会提交了一份关于他2012年目标的报告, 并同意扩大他目前的目标清单,包括桑迪亚实验室项目. 

博士申请休假. Raul Morales-Juberias,物理学副教授 部门. Dr. 12月的报道称. 莫拉莱斯-朱伯里亚斯将在秋季学期学习 研究拨款建议. 



2013年2月和3月学位授予:博士. 12月报道称,该大学 在两个月内获得18个学位.

2月财务分析. 马尔克斯报告说,所有我&G类是 而EMRTC和Playas的债务覆盖范围则在预算范围内 在本历年的范围内.

Determination of Award – Library Subscription to Elsevier, BV:  Librarian 丽莎Beinhoff 请审计委员会核可285 073美元.34奖给了唯一来源供应商Elsevier, BV 订阅期刊. 去年,教师们从958家网站下载了2.2万篇文章 杂志标题. Dr. 贝因霍夫指出,为了削减成本,她取消了74种期刊. 在回答瑞金特·皮科克的问题时. 贝因霍夫报告了每一项的成本 article as between $30 and $60; and that some sources are unavailable elsewhere. 丽晶 Armijo moved to award the subscription,其次是 a second 来自丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios. 动议全票通过。.

奖项的确定-图书馆订阅EBSCO:博士. 贝因霍夫还问了雷金特 批准499,722美元.14个奖项授予EBSCO订阅服务公司,一个联合企业,第三方 供应商. 在讨论中,洛佩兹校长指出,图书馆的行政 costs have dropped 30 percent, and that he subsidized $350,000 to retain journal subscriptions, 他补充说,政府拒绝承认这个问题. “我们不能建立研究型大学 没有这些服务,”总统说. 摄政王阿米霍起身请求批准,跟着他 瑞金特·皮科克. 动议全票通过。.

资本项目-校长大厅改造. 马尔克斯请求批准 $1.耗资500万美元对总统大厅进行翻新,将1936年建成的宿舍整修到 code. 建设将于今年8月开始,并将持续到2014年. 90张床 temporarily lost, but 大学 will gain 60 beds with the new residence hall, 可以选择在Super 8为额外的学生提供住宿. 摄政王皮科克为 批准. 摄政王阿米霍附议,一致通过.

从库存中移除的物业项目:Mr. 马尔克斯提出了两项决议 代表物业处:

安全管理小组决议:该决议属于学校 处理机密资料,这将是董事会的另一种选择 members undergo a formal security clearance by establishing a management group within 大学. 总统洛佩兹和博士. 麦森提供了豁免程序的背景资料. 摄政王皮科克为 resolution with an amendment changing a word in the second-to-last 句子要读“以前”.希克斯摄政王附议了这项动议,全体一致通过.

Individual Board Member Comments:  丽晶 Peacock reported getting “the real tour” with her great-nephew, who will attend Tech this fall, and gave kudos to the Admission 办公室. 瑞金特罗德里格斯-里奥斯向总统询问有关的法案的各个方面 the Lottery Scholarship, who agreed to gather statistics from the Registrar in time 奖学金峰会.

新业务. 没有一个.

员工福利信托:董事会在下午3点29分休会.m. 召开 员工福利信托的一次会议. Mr. 不过,马尔克斯报告了大量索赔 fewer than previously, adding that it was a constant struggle to balance claims against 收入. 截至今天,他的账户里有45.8万美元. 董事会宣布休会 下午3点30分.m. 并重新召开例会.

Possible Executive Session, NMSA 1978 Section 10-15-1 (H) (2); (If Required to Consider Legal and/or Personnel Matters):  Chairman Carpenterannounced that the Board would 在行政会议上讨论公共记录和未决诉讼. 评议 下午3点31分,经点名表决,例会休会.m.

Reconvene in Open Session and Report on Final Action, if any, on Such Limited Personnel Matters in Open Session  Following Conclusion of the Closed Session: Chairman Carpenter 下午4点24分重新召开例会.m. 报告说董事会没有采取任何行动 在执行会议期间.

休会:下午4点25分,Armijo摄政王提议休会.m.,其次是 摄政·皮科克的第二张. 动议全票通过。.